Author: Wendy Vinson,  Social Commentary,  Writing Aids

Writers Prompt: Where Will It Lead

speculative fiction idea:

current events as of Aug 29,2013:


1.)    Syria gassing of men, women, and children…U.S. blames Syrian government, but there is a question of whether the rebels may have done it and claimed the government did it just to get the U.S. involved.  Russia and China are vetoing the UN Security Council action vote on the matter, while waiting for more information from the inspectors.

2.)    The U.S. still has unemployment problems, or rather, underemployment problems.  With a pay rate of $8.15/hr, fast food and other low wage workers are complaining they can’t pay their bills.  If full time employment is assumed, this is $16300/yr which is comparable to what an adjunct professor/instructor at a public college makes in a year ($18000), but considerably less than the lowest that full time faculty makes ($50000).  The fast food workers would like to be paid $15/hr or $30000/yr.  Mind you this is a no/little skill job compared to a 6-8 year college degree position.  (Although one must ask how many fast food employees have liberal arts degrees.)

Most may think that these two events are unrelated.  However, the preponderance of un-under-employed workers in the U.S. may lead to a rebellion/revolution such as is being seen in the Arab world.  Can the U. S. citizenry trust its government to play fair, when

3.)    The homeland defense department has purchased an overabundance of ammunition to be used on us soil.  For the sake of this conversation, we shall say no.


1.)     Low-wage/unemployed citizens protest in the streets till their demands are met.

2.)    Prices which are supposed to increase only 25% with the higher wages more than triple under the claim that they must now also pay increased health, unemployment and workers compensation insurances.

3.)    Some of the fast-food industries start implementing robo-kitchens with self pay kiosks, decreasing the need for minimum wage employees each store now has only one register clerk and one kitchen supervisor per shift, and offers lower priced foods.

4.)    Janitors jobs are taken over by self cleaning restrooms and robotic floor sweepers/moppers and other mechanizations of minimum wage jobs.

5.)    Former employees of these companies cause damage to the premises and are arrested en-masse.

6.)    Welfare rolls increase dramatically.  The burden on the middle class becomes unbearable.  They can no longer afford to live above the poverty line and start to defauld on loans and bills and fall into the lower income bracket.

7.)    The new working poor find they can live better on the dole than by working and stop seeking employment when they lose their jobs.

8.)    Rioting ensues over unfair imprisonment of poor people leading to more arrests.

9.)    Prices continue to rise.

10.)                        Welfare recipients do not see an increase in their welfare payments.

11.)                        More serious rioting demanding food and better housing be provided for them by the government.

12.)                        …

13.)                        …

14.)                        …

??.)            The people paying the bills get fed up with the underclass who are not contributing to society and do something drastic about it.

Continue the story by filling in details at each number or continuing the story beyond the numbers.

Please comment any ideas to enlighten me and others.

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