Author: Wendy Vinson,  Education,  For Fun

To Write, or Not To Write of Teaching (“To Be, or Not To Be” rewritten)

To write of teaching or not to write on’t?  That is the question.  Whether ‘tis better for the mind to suffer the trials and tribulations of teaching malpractice, or to put the pen to paper to oppose it, and by opposing, end it.  To train, to teach once more; and by teaching, to end the heartache and the thousands of drop outs that school is heir to?

‘Tis a higher outcome devoutly to be wished.

To train, to teach, and in teaching perhaps they learn; Aye there’s the rub, for in that classroom toil, what dreams are born. When they have graduated school, what they shall achieve will give us pause.

To teach respectability that lasts a lifetime long;  To teach them to stand tall to the sneers and scorns of lesser minds, to end oppression’s wrongs, to be proud even though ridiculed.

To bear the pains of lost contests, to rebuff the bully, no matter his size.  To teach him to think on his own, so that when it’s quiet, his mind will higher rise.

Who would packages bear, grunt and sweat, a day laborers life, never knowing from whence the next meal, and to dread the not knowing.  No, ‘tis better to learn the lessons in school; STEM and Lit, and history of man, to solve the puzzles and cure the ills than to flee the mobs who know not of it.

Thus a higher conscience will subdue the cowardice in us all, and thus the natives of the land shall be suckled by contemplative thought, and enterprise will duly rise with growth through education.  With this regard we must cast our eye and take the name of action.

Soft you now, my fair companion, in thy orisons, be these thoughts remembered.

Read the original Shakespeare version

White board with section number written on it for teaching.

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