• Author: Matthew M. Fay,  Book Review,  Religion

    Book Review: The Reluctant Disciple: Daring to Believe

    Title: The Reluctant Disciple: Daring to Believe Author: David Wells, the Director of adult faith formation in the Diocese of Plymouth.  Married with three kids. Guest-lectures at three universities.[1] Published: Toronto, Ontario: Novalis, 2015. Pages-181. At my church, for the last couple of years, I have attended a book/Bible study facilitated by our parish priest in between the 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. Mass.  We have read and discussed several books from C.S. Lewis and many that were strictly Bible study.  We just finished with The Reluctant Disciple.  I will be honest, when it was first mentioned I had my doubts.  I guess I can tend to be cynical.  I was all for Augustine’s Confessions, but Father was probably correct in steering us away from that.  Now that we have finished the book, I can truly say it was a good fit for our group. Wells presents thirty chapters that are each titled with a catchy phrase such as, “What the turkey taught us,” Stupid Me,” and “Are you keeping busy?”  The chapters start with a few lines of scripture, then, an anecdotal story from Well’s personal life, followed by a part he calls “Making connections, which is really just seeking…

  • Lecture Review,  My Ramblings

    Retreat Review: The ONE% Challenge Retreat

    Retreat Review: The ONE% Challenge Retreat (First of Three) Facilitator: Peter Andrastek, Senior Parish Consultant of Evangelical Catholic Inc. Peter leads the parish mission of the Evangelical Catholic. He holds a Master of Theological Studies in Pastoral Theology from Ave Maria University. He has worked in adult formation in the Church since 2003. His experience includes preaching retreats, teaching theology and adult catechesis courses, and giving presentations and trainings for numerous parishes, dioceses, movements, and institutions in the Church. He currently advises over 30 EC Parish and Diocesan Alliances and Associates nationwide. He lives in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin with his wife and seven children.[1] Where: St. John the Baptist Church, Dry Ridge Road, Cincinnati, Ohio When: 7-9 p.m., Sunday, March 11, 2018 Other Details: The first of three evening retreats on life, prayer, and faith.  Designed to kick-start a greater movement of the Holy Spirit in your life and community. The evening started with an introduction by Amanda Weickert, our Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation.  She mentioned that this would be a deepening of our relationship with God.  She introduced Peter as a husband and father of seven children.  Peter stood up and addressed the group.  He looked to be…