• Author: Wendy Vinson,  Personal,  Poetry

    Fearless Fantasies

    A girl I knew had trouble reading Dyslexia had her tied in knots I watched her try but end up weeping This was something she couldn’t be taught She was scared her classmates would find out I told her not to fret what they said That in herself she should not doubt If she tried she’d overcome this dread I sat next to her and as we worked She began to regain some self-esteem She read some words right and up she perked Together we can build a dream

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  Poetry

    Ice Cream Made Fun

    A bit of ice cream sounds real nice On a hot, steamy, summer day. Some plain vanilla will suffice. Want more?  Add goodies, don’t delay. Chocolate shaved from a candy bar, Handfuls of nuts, butterscotch chips, Honey poured from a plastic jar, Each one of these will add some zip. Simple mouth-watering flavors Mixed together are more tasty Than all the other thirty-one. And, making them is added fun.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  Poetry

    Bike Soccer

    The lot was empty, no cars at all The perfect time for a game of ball They hopped on their bikes two to a team For a game that many consider extreme They pedaled their bikes as fast as they could Trying to get the ball twixt two pieces of wood The screech of the tires as they make their turns The squeal of the brakes as they pull up short All of these actions made their hearts churn All the excitement in the name of the sport Bobby hit the ball with his back wheel Timmy kicked it as he whistled by The game was played with much zeal Neither team wanted to end in a tie Billie stretched up and took a header While Jimmie blocked with his body and bike It was hard to tell which team was better Both of them played so much alike All these shenanigans under the sun Was just the act of kids having fun The ball went up and down the lot The contest was tough and well fought All four were victors there in the end ’cause all had fun playing with friends

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  Poetry

    What’s in a Dream

    Ofttimes dreams are shadows of our lives We try to make sense of what happened through them Even though as hard as we strive We still have trouble seeing through them We look at them backwards and sometimes sideways We turn them around to see what can be found Only to see they’re made out of clay Perfectly molded and very profound Some dreams are a way to clean out a wound So deep inside us we know nothing of it We prod and we pry while safely cocooned In a warm bed with blankets upon it When we awaken, the dreams that we had Slip through our fingers as though they were water And as quiet as the softest foot-pad Tiptoe away to scheme and plot more  

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  Poetry

    Graduation Elation

    A group of young adults Have journeyed far together They’ve been through many trials Shed tears of joy and pain But to look at their results One need not question whether They can last the miles And their friendship still maintain Their cum laudes they’ve collected Along with their degrees They go their separate ways New adventures for to find With hopes to stay connected Though divided by the seas They meet up for holidays To be wined and dined

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  Personal,  Poetry

    For Amanda

    The talent that she shows Cannot compare with The talent that she hides The wisdom that she knows Is hidden in the glyphs Deep within her eyes Her beauty as it grows Will be at the heart of myths Told with hearty sighs Just listen to the crows Of her kin and kith As her trade she plies   Happy Birthday and Congratulations on your graduation!

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  Poetry

    Words Not Spoken Enough

    Some words aren’t said nearly enough This tends to make the world too gruff If we would say them more often Perhaps people’s hearts would soften Give credit where credit is due When someone creates something new Or if it’s been around for a while Acknowledge that with a smile Let someone know they did a good job Speak a kind word to someone who sobs When’s the last time you said one of these Give it a try, you’ll find it’s a breeze