• Author: Matthew M. Fay,  Ethics,  Reflection

    Applying the Dignity of Human Life

    It is in the practical and concrete application of ethics and morals that we run in to trouble.  For example, we may believe that we need to recognize the value of every human being, but how exactly to manifest this in our day to day activities is another matter altogether. How do we give value to the life of a pedophile, rapist, murderer, or specific people like Stalin, Mao, or Hitler? We must first recognize that we are having a problem reconciling the two opinions.  What usually happens is that we can agree in the case of a general rule, i.e. that we are made in the image of God and that we need to respect human life.  But when it comes to the specific, we have difficulties applying this rule.  One needs first to clarify their belief in the original moral statement.  Then we compare and rationally understand how this applies to the group or individual we feel compelled to exclude.  This may need some soul searching and even a humble admittance that we too have the potential to become that which we most abhor. Let us look at the dignity of a human life.  As we have advanced…