• Author: Wendy Vinson,  Education

    ADD and ADHD Children Benefit From Learning to Read Early

    Many children with ADD/ADHD have language development skills that are weak.  They also find it more difficult to communicate effectively to others what they want and become more easily frustrated because of that.  When frustration sets in, they start daydreaming or acting out.  It is difficult to recognize AD(H)D in infants.  The reason for its development at all is uncertain.  There are many factors suspected in playing a role in the disorder.  Until we rule out the erroneous reasons, we cannot know how to prevent it.  The best we can do at this point is ameliorate it.  One of the ways of doing so is by increasing the child’s ability to communicate. Language learning is best done when a child is younger than 4 years of age.  After 4 years of age, the myelin (material that insulates neurons) has finished much of its growth, making it more difficult to learn languages. The longer it takes to get a child started into reading, the harder it is for the child to learn to read.  This is a major point of early learning centers (daycare/preschool).  Any good daycare will not just allow the children to play with toys, but will have helpers…