• Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Phonetic translation of foreign poem

    I ran a poem written in a German book by Heinrich Heine through spell check on my word processor and tried to turn what it came up with into a poem. This was done in answer to a challenge on napowrimo.net. Dear Taurus All this we say on hearing, have you the Beech Knave seen, when he lies down to scherzo Old Erich describes him sternly. Middle of the valley, lute fashions cooling sent from heaven stirs; loving much in her, he likens Mac’s sonnets to stroked ferns. Oft the wild lark will startle flutter in air, seeking not the world lusting rays. When downs he settles, Vogel sang for the ears of the earth. That dear sang the very summit bald, Taurus rushed bawdy and bleating, when dear Taurus deems at Walden to linger with such genial meeting   Notes: While the actuality of the following have nothing to do with why I chose to use these words, they do seem to play right into the meaning of the poem Scherzo is a lively, playful piece of music, Jaroslav Vogel is a composer/conductor Walden is the name of the woods and pond where Thoreau stayed Erich Korngold another composer…