• Author: Matthew M. Fay,  Book Review,  Religion

    Book Review: The Truth of Catholicism: Ten Controversies Explored

    Title: The Truth of Catholicism: Ten Controversies Explored Author: George Weigel Published: New York: Harper Collins, 2001; Hardcover 196-pages. This book is about reaching out and attempting to start a discussion about Catholicism for those that want to learn more about their own journey or those just curious to know what we believe.  There are a lot of good topics in here to discuss with family and friends over a meal or instead of turning on the television.   John Paul II was pope when this book was written.  Some of the views you can tell were influenced from this time in history.  Parts seem almost prophetic about what is to come.  The questions are very important, it has been said that a good question is worth more than a good answer.  A good question makes us think and search inside ourselves for an answer, it makes us know more about who we are and we grow.  One of the strongest messages that come through is the sanctity of truth.  As Catholics, we believe that truth is not dependent on how many people believe something to be true, it just is.  If all the world denied God, he is still God. …