• Classical Studies

    Creationism and Its Critics in Antiquity

    By: David Sedley 2007 So how did this book end up on my reading list?  In my journey to find other adults to discuss the classics and how they pertain to modern issues I discovered this book and other resources.  I started my quest by asking friends and family, this then expanded to social groups, and business acquaintances.  One of the librarians was wondering why anybody would want to read that old stuff for fun, it was bad enough she had to read it in college.  One day I was talking to one of my customers, (I own a board game store), he is a professor at University of Cincinnati and he informed me that they have a really good classics department and often host classics presentations that are open to the public.  After checking the schedule online I found when the next presentation was.  I made it a point to be there.  The guest speaker was Dr. Athena Kirk on “The Semantics of Showcase in Herodotus’ Histories”.  In preparation to meet this presenter, I looked up the professor online to see if she had any books that I could read beforehand.  I did not find any, but I found…