• Author: Wendy Vinson,  Business,  Politics

    3D Printing Impacts Us in More Ways Than We Imagined

    In an age where we have machinery to plant and harvest the crops, tend to the cattle, repair the infrastructure and in general take care of every need we have; In the age we are approaching where we can tell a computer to 3D print a pizza for us and it will be ready in just a few minutes without having to go to the door to greet the delivery person;  In this same age where we can have body parts printed for people who have been injured or abused their body to the point that they need new parts; In this age which is quickly approaching there will no longer be a need for the masses to work.  Then, in that age, what shall we do? One will need to work only if they want something to do which cannot be satisfied by the entertainment systems of the day.  TV, in the new sense, will be able to stream, on demand, whatever programming the viewer desires.  Sports on the professional level could be virtual, to prevent injuries to the athlete, or they could continue to be actual physical events where people play for the thrill and the danger of…