• Biography,  Europe 16th Century

    Christopher Marlowe: The Man in His Time

    Christopher or Kit Marlowe (1564-93), was an English Elizabethan writer who rose from a shoemaker’s son to become a Cambridge scholar, famous playwright, and secret agent of the queen’s court.[1]  He was murdered and perhaps assassinated before the age of thirty.  In just six short years of production, he influenced Shakespeare and many others and left an indelible mark on English literature.  If you know who he was, congratulations on your education, if you were like me before I read this book, I could not have told you hardly anything about him except the name sounded familiar.  This is a good book to read about Christopher Marlowe because he was a very interesting and important person in English literature, the author has excellent credentials, and the narrative style is pleasant to read and informative. Marlowe was a very interesting and influential person.  One of his most famous quotes is from Doctor Faustus, “Was this the face that launcht a thousand shippes?”[2] This is from the scene where Faustus has Mephistopheles raise Helen of Troy from the dead to be his paramour and he falls helplessly in love.  Marlowe rose rapidly in fame in London for his plays.  Even after his…