• Literature,  Writing Aids

    Book Review: Essays and Essay Writing by William M. Tanner

    Title: Essays and Essay Writing: Based on Atlantic Monthly Models Editor: William M. Tanner Published: Boston: The Atlantic Monthly Press, 1918. Pages-307. This is embarrassing.  I just recently bought this book at a used book store.  I put it in my stack to read, my current stack to read that is.  There have been many stacks that went unread and then eventually became assimilated into the ever-growing collection that is my home library.  I had just finished reading one of the books in my “new” stack when I looked at this book and the spine.  It seemed very familiar to me.  Had I purchased this book before?  Did another copy lurk on my shelves somewhere?  I went exploring. Not only did I find another copy, I found two.  I now have three copies of this book and I have never read it.  Well, time to fix that!  I will have to read it, see if it is any good, and then give a couple copies away to someone whom I think will enjoy it. That, my friends, is how this book came to be next in my review list. What is an essay?  Tanner explains it is difficult to understand…