• Author: Wendy Vinson,  Politics

    Voting Time

    Tomorrow is voting day in the US.  Not to sound preachy, but:  Have you researched your issues and candidates?  This being an off year, most of the voting items are local only.  This is where your one vote can make a huge difference.  While you still have a day to study the question, do so. Vote only on those issues you have researched.  If you have not looked into an issue, how do you know you are voting for what you want.  Politicians sometimes word the issues confusingly to get people to vote how they (the politicians) want not how the people want.  It’s cases like this where ‘no’ really means ‘yes’ and vice versa.  (Insert your own bawdy comment here.) Don’t “not vote” because you think your vote doesn’t count.  If we did that, then only one side of the matter would be heard.  Years of that will lead to discontent and the discontent will lead to rebellion.  Isn’t that why we revolted against English rule in the first place?  Because old King George wouldn’t listen to us and treat us like the good upstanding citizens we thought we were? Don’t skip voting because you think everyone agrees with…