• Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Ode to my car

    You take me where I want to go. You get me there and back again. How I feel for you, no one can know. T’your engine’s purr I like to listen. You served me well when times were lean. When funds were tight you were my home. We traveled far for the sights we’ve seen And all the places we used to roam. The times we had when things went well The shopping trips ‘cross the border Just to see what foreigners sell Our run-ins with law and order Just you and me camping at the lake A blanket and you for my tent Up on your hood to evade a snake Then I’d air you out from a skunks scent   This is my response to two different challenges.  One was to write a love poem about an inanimate object, and the other to write about something that makes me smile.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Summer Memories

    Peering through the windows of my mind Remembering summers long ago Down by the creek seeing what’s to find There a lizard, here a rock like an oh Off on our bikes to the baseball field You bring the bat, I have the ball A stick for a sword, a warrior’s shield We play all day till we hear mothers call Racing back home our dinner to eat Back out to play as quick as we can Rest in the shade of a tree from the heat Fetch with the dog how swiftly he ran I miss those days, the freedom we had Now I work the whole summer long I once was the kid but now I’m the dad Now summer days to my children belong

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry


    Envy He has it I like how it looks I want it It’s so cute Give it to me now I want it I need some It should be all mine I want it I’ll get it I’ll take it by force I have it It’s mine now You can’t have it back I have it I don’t understand What does it do, but I have it Don’t touch it It’s not yours any more I have it It’s broke now You can have it back It’s all yours

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  For Fun,  Short Stories

    Tragedy at the Diner

    Daily Prompt: By the Skin of Your Teeth: ‘Tragedy at the Diner’ is a fictional short story. What is there to say.  I’m here only because I was quicker and smarter than someone else.  I’m not proud of it; I’m actually a little ashamed.  And I shouldn’t have been there at all that day.  But, I had a few issues to work out and I wanted a drink while I did it.  Grabbing a table far away from most of the customers, I started jotting down the pros and cons of my problem.  I wasn’t paying much attention to what was going on around me.  And I was actually making some progress with my dilemma.  When I heard a strange noise, I looked up from my writing and saw the window shattering.  I couldn’t understand at first what had happened, but things seemed to start moving in slow motion.  It was like watching a replay on a sportscast, but this was real, here and now.  Maybe the caffeine played a part, I don’t know. There was a truck coming straight at me sideways.  It looked like a giant metal wall closing in on me like you see in those horror…