• Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    The Birthday Cake

    I want to have a cake for my birthday But I’ve never made one before It’s not hard my mom would say I’ll go to get one at the store I choose one that looks nice and yummy I even get frosting for the top I can’t wait to get it in my tummy There’s no way this idea will flop I take it home and mix it up Manage not to make a mess Even keep it from the pup What happened next you might guess I take the cake from the oven It looks like it’s been in an earthquake It’s split right in half, but I’m fun lovin’ So I called it California cake

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    If I Had to Do It Again (part 1)

    If I had to do it again If I had to start all over I would learn to use my hands Just as much as I use my head If I had to use my hands I’d put them to excellent use I think I’d like to learn a trade That’s the path I’d like to tread If I had to learn a trade I’d make something that people need I get hungry, I need to eat Perhaps I’d learn to bake some bread If I had some bread to eat I’d make so much that I could share I’d give some to each person in need Till everyone is fed Written in response to a challenge by napowrimo.net and the daily prompt.  

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    The New Apprentice

    Dave looked at the man at the door He had never seen a wizard before “Aren’t wizards supposed to wear pointy hats?” He asked the man standing on the mat The man looked at the boy and said “Those hats are something I always dread They leave me with atrocious hat hair Straightening it is such a bear.” The wizard came in and took a seat, Pulled out a book, didn’t miss a beat “You’ve a problem with Bogles that’s easy The things they do can make you queasy “I have the perfect solution For all this Bogle pollution A dash of that a pinch of this Rolled up in chocolate from the Swiss “Just place it all on the sink Next to a glass of milk to drink The Bogle will enjoy the feast And take off for somewhere east.” The Bogle problem now is solved Things are better for all involved Dave had learned so much from this He is now the new apprentice. Written in response to the daily prompt.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Phonetic translation of foreign poem

    I ran a poem written in a German book by Heinrich Heine through spell check on my word processor and tried to turn what it came up with into a poem. This was done in answer to a challenge on napowrimo.net. Dear Taurus All this we say on hearing, have you the Beech Knave seen, when he lies down to scherzo Old Erich describes him sternly. Middle of the valley, lute fashions cooling sent from heaven stirs; loving much in her, he likens Mac’s sonnets to stroked ferns. Oft the wild lark will startle flutter in air, seeking not the world lusting rays. When downs he settles, Vogel sang for the ears of the earth. That dear sang the very summit bald, Taurus rushed bawdy and bleating, when dear Taurus deems at Walden to linger with such genial meeting   Notes: While the actuality of the following have nothing to do with why I chose to use these words, they do seem to play right into the meaning of the poem Scherzo is a lively, playful piece of music, Jaroslav Vogel is a composer/conductor Walden is the name of the woods and pond where Thoreau stayed Erich Korngold another composer…

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Billy and Bobby

    When there’s trouble you’ll always find Billy Trying to stop the fighting Billy thinks all the fighting is silly He doesn’t like to hear the crying His friend Bobby feels the same way He’ll take you downtown in a wagon So you had better watch how you play And try to let bygones be bygones Written in response to the daily prompt on conflict and napowrimo.net‘s suggestion of writing a nursery rhyme.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Early Bird vs. Night Owl

    Early birds get worms I’ve heard said But night owls are more studious Just look at all the books they’ve read While song birds are melodious Once you’ve listened to their call It’s hard to get it out of your craw I stayed up far too late To get up before dawn I guess it’s just my fate That mornings make me yawn But work has deadlines And meetings before nine Written in response to the daily prompt on a day when there just wasn’t any time.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    A Life Well Lived

    To live well leads to dying well I’ve done all that I wanted to On my mistakes I’ll not dwell To myself I’ve been true I’ll leave my family and friends With memories they’ll cherish I only hope they comprehend What they meant to me when I perish Should I want to do more in my life It should not detract from what I’ve done I’ve had enough of the world’s strife Now it’s time for my redemption   Written in response to challenges from daily prompt and napowrimo.net.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Saturday Night at the Seashore

    The tide comes in, the tide goes out The moon is full, the stars are bright The wind is blowing past grilled trout I’m sitting enjoying the quiet night Some friends are playing Frisbee there Others are swimming in the sea I enjoy the smell of the salt air The warmth of the burning driftwood tree Listening to strumming guitar music I drift along through daydreams Singing a soft and soothing lyric Everything’s as peaceful as it seems Days like these can be but few Enjoy them all while they’re still new Written in response to the challenges from the daily prompt and napowrimo.net.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    The Row Boat

    Two girls out in a row-boat Trying to get to where the buoy floats All alone out on a great lake Of this deed they wanted to gloat But when the waves started to break They must turn back for their own sake A storm was brewing the sky grew dark There was more than just pride at stake They tried to row back to the park The situation grew quite stark If they made it back alive To their parents they would hark They took turns on the drive Of their lives to survive Tired and sore and near their end To the bay they finally arrived Their family was there a hand to lend So the boat on the rocks would not rend This is where I end my note With two young girls on the mend. This is not the first time I’ve told this tale, but it is the first time in verse.  The poem needs a lot of polishing, but it is flash poetry after all.  I wrote this today as a response to the daily prompt challenge as well as the nanowrimo.net challenge. Fortunately, things turned out better for these two young girls than…