• Author: Wendy Vinson,  Personal

    Courage is facing your fears

    When most people think of someone who is courageous, they think of firefighters, soldiers, and other people facing extreme danger.  But courage also applies to the agoraphobe who manages to go out into public or the person afraid of spiders who must enter a shed “full” of spiders to get the lawnmower out. Fear can be a rational or irrational.  Many people think that something that they themselves are not afraid of should not be scary to anyone.  Nearly everyone goes out in public almost every day.  Whether it’s to get groceries or go to work.  They think nothing of it. But what about the woman down the street who was ‘mugged’ while at the city park.  Then after recovering from her injuries, was ‘assaulted’ on her way to work.  A second stroke of bad luck hits her before she had fully recovered from the first.  Admittedly this is an extreme case, not something that commonly occurs, but a true event.  Could you blame her for being afraid of people in general, or men who looked like her attackers in specific?  And if she’s afraid of people, how could she bring herself to go to a grocery store or work.…