• Author: Matthew M. Fay,  Reflection,  Religion

    Clump of Cells?

    My brother James called me this morning to vent some frustration he felt on a conversation he had on social media with a lady who is pro-choice.  He complained of her calling the fetus just a “clump of cells.”  The woman claimed she had an abortion in the past and was proud of this fact.  My brother argued back that aren’t we all a “clump of cells?”  One would think that arguing that the fetus is just a clump of cells is really a very poor argument.  I do admire my brother for standing up and voicing his opinion and attempting to engage with others.  Unfortunately, the argument degenerated into name calling and my brother was frustrated as he would really like a real debate or dialogue as to why this woman thought it was okay to have an abortion. Perhaps she did answer his question in a way.  The answer is a devaluing of human life.  In an age where we claim that we are sensitive to the sacredness of every individual and their unique value, we seem to practice just the opposite.  A civilized society honors the individual, especially its weakest members.  Let’s face it, none of us…