• History,  Young Reader

    Book Review: Thirty More Famous Stories Retold

    Title: Thirty More Famous Stories Retold Author: James Baldwin (1841-1925) American editor and author Published: New York: American Book Company, 1905; Hardcover 235-pages. “Nearly all the stories are true, and there are not more than three or four that might not have happened.  In every one there is something worth learning and remembering.”  Preface by James Baldwin I enjoyed reading this book.  It was refreshing and nostalgic.  Didactic stories written for young readers with a moralistic bent.  Baldwin covers the breadth of history with memorable stories that will instill in the reader a sense of virtue and a passion for history.  I wish I had instilled upon my children to read more books like this and less of Goosebumps and what not.  It makes me wonder if “as long as they’re reading it’s a good thing” is not really a true statement.  What are they reading and how is it shaping them into the future man or woman they will become.  Don’t get me wrong, I think my children have turned out great, despite my lack of good judgement as a parent. Baldwin tells us stories of Columbus, Balboa, Ponce de Leon, and Sir Francis Drake.  Little anecdotes that make you…