• Architecture,  European Dark Ages

    The Art of Europe: The Dark Ages from Theodoric to Charlemagne

    By Paolo Verzone 1968 (Translated by Pamela Waley) I recommend this book if you are interested in learning more about the art and architecture of Western Europe during the Byzantine period (425-800 A.D.). The book is visually stimulating with its fifty-three color plates and ninety-one figures.  With its helpful Glossary, a detailed Index and a brief Chronological Table it becomes a very easy to use reference book.  A unique aspect of this book is that the color pictures were pasted in after the book was printed. The many descriptions of ancient churches, crypts and other buildings really kept me intrigued.  The many examples of frescoes, plates, stele, mosaics and sculptures brought the period to life.  The metalwork, paintings and jewelry enlightened me to the passion the craftsmen put into their work.  The bibliophile in me was excited by the covers and pages of the colorful illuminated manuscripts that were covered in zoomorphic forms and intricate geometric designs. The author gives quite a bit of history throughout the book.  This really helped me to understand and put in perspective the various forms of art and why certain styles were employed.  This  history trail not only told me of the events that…