• My Ramblings

    A Writer Who Does Not Write

    I am a writer who does not write. Why?  Oh, I have many excuses.  I always say I will get around to it someday.  I guess, the truth is, I doubt my own ability.  One thing for sure, I read a lot.  For the last three years, I have voraciously read hundreds of books.  However, reading and writing are two different things.  It is like eating and cooking, some people prepare the meals and others just enjoy it.  Nevertheless, the problem is, I want to be a writer.  I even tell myself that I should be a writer.  Perhaps it is just discipline.  Maybe what is needed is just taking the plunge and letting the words just pour out…  I am sure I am not alone with these feelings.  In this day and age anyone can be a writer.  But, I don’t want to be just a writer, I want to be a good writer, there’s the rub as they say.  This desire to be a good writer paralyzes me and keeps me from being a writer.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say.  So tonight, I decided to just sit down and write. Okay, I have posted a few…

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Writing poetry on demand

    Here I sit, pen in hand Writing poetry on demand Some is good, some is bad Depending on what drink I’ve had Root beer, tea, or ginger ale, Each of these makes it fizzy Others make it sound so stale Weaving words makes me dizzy Rhyming is a lot of work Lists of words in your head Worth it though for a smirk When the poem at last is read. April is National Poetry Month.  If you’d like to read poems by other budding poets, honor the folks at NaPoWriMo.net with a visit, and peruse their participants’ sites.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  Poetry

    The Right to Say It

    Desolation is all around No consolation to be found An empty desk before my eyes “Papa est parti.” a young girl cries Men who twist a Prophets words Turn sublime into absurd A soulful journey is undertaken My faith in man to reawaken A million candles do I see Lit in honour of Charlie Whether or not I agree with what you say, you still have the right to say it.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  Poetry

    Someone Else’s Poem

    If I were put on the spot and had to recite someone else’s poem, the only one that comes to mind quickly is one I read in a book from the 1800’s.  I don’t know the name of the author.  The poem can speak for itself. Sin is a beast of such hideous mien As to be hated needs but to be seen. But seen too oft familiar its face We first endure, then pity, then embrace.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  Poetry

    A Short Interlude

    Quiet fields of green And the water so clean Clear, crisp and cool Flowing gently to a pool. Warm sunshine on my back. Following a dirt track As I take a stroll So healthy for my soul Melodies wafting through the air Recalling friends no longer there Remind me to return To get some sweet kisses From the one who misses Me during my sojourn. I’ve run out of time To wander ‘midst the pine.