Author: Matthew M. Fay,  My Ramblings,  Personal

From Television Addict To Book Addict

Around the middle of last year, I made a life changing decision.  I realized I was watching too much television and it was affecting me in a negative way.  I was recording over twenty shows per season on my DVR cable box.  This would require me to watch for to five hours of shows every day.  I became more and more frustrated and irritable.  I would just shut out the rest of the world and watch TV.  This all changed when I started reading again. 

I have always loved to read.  I used to be a very avid reader.  However, life got in the way and I stopped reading.  Most of the books I was reading either applied to work or my gaming hobby.  However, books that really made me stop and think, ones that made me question what I really knew; none.

One of the first books that got me fired up was “The Epic of Gilgamesh”.  Being a Dungeons & Dragons player, this classic piece of literature really hit home for me.  Here was a fantastic tale that stimulated my creativity and made me ask questions about what I knew.  It was the first time I realized other civilizations talked about a great flood.  I thought that was only in the Bible.  Needless to say, I was hooked and I started going to book stores, visiting the library, and not only building my collection of books, but reading them also!


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