Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

Consequence of Fame

Fame is such a fleeting thing
It relies on others fancy.
In the distance you hear it call,
Down the street around the corner

You think you have it but it takes wing
You give chase till you can see
It really wasn’t fame at all
And you keep on forlorn sojourner

You finally find what you sought
The adoration of the masses
No time alone for you anymore,
The p’razzi haunts your every step.

You seek some quiet, but then you’re caught
By all your admiring lads and lasses.
You’ve forgotten what you stood for
You make mistakes, you gain a rep.

It takes a while for you to decide
This life is not the one you want.
You think of friends you left behind
There’re none like them when you’re on top

You’re not sure you like this ride
You don’t like being what p’razzi hunt
You look around to learn if you can find
A way to make this all stop!

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