• Science Fiction

    Book Review: Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card

    Title: Ender’s Game Author: Orson Scott Card Published: New York: Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, 1994. Pages-349. Preamble This book was recommended to me several years ago and has been sitting on my shelf perhaps longer.  I grew up reading lots of science-fiction and fantasy books.  So, on a recent camping trip, I grabbed this copy and brought it along.  I devoured it.  It was like the old days.  I am an early riser, usually five AM every day.  So, there I was, reading in my camp chair, as the litany of birds serenaded me in the early morning hours, reading all about Ender.  This book originally came out in 1985 while I was serving in the Navy.  At the time, I was an avid Dungeon’s and Dragon’s player.  In 1985 I was reading Dragonlance Chronicles and in the science-fiction genre, Armor by John Steakley. After reading the book, I can understand the fascination accredited to it.  As a side note, I have not watched the movie. My Perspective The story takes place in a futuristic earth setting in which mankind is threatened with a war against alien bugs.  It is an us vs them mentality.  Most of the book takes…