• Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Consequence of Fame

    Fame is such a fleeting thing It relies on others fancy. In the distance you hear it call, Down the street around the corner You think you have it but it takes wing You give chase till you can see It really wasn’t fame at all And you keep on forlorn sojourner You finally find what you sought The adoration of the masses No time alone for you anymore, The p’razzi haunts your every step. You seek some quiet, but then you’re caught By all your admiring lads and lasses. You’ve forgotten what you stood for You make mistakes, you gain a rep. It takes a while for you to decide This life is not the one you want. You think of friends you left behind There’re none like them when you’re on top You’re not sure you like this ride You don’t like being what p’razzi hunt You look around to learn if you can find A way to make this all stop!

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Anacreon’s Relaxation

    A poem about relaxing written in Anacreontics meter. It’s a calming thing I need now For a rough and tumble work day A relaxing kind of past time To prevent my mind from meltin’ down In my head, isles cool and peaceful Sittin’ round the bar at some bay Sit a spell and drink some white wine Quiet times of games and hushed tunes Is all good for life and for soul So I sleep beneath tonight’s moon

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Relaxing Evening

    Sitting in a comfy chair A slight breeze blows in the air Reading an engaging book A bird flies by, I take a look Listen to the chippies sing Won’t worry ‘bout a single thing Work is done it’s time to unwind Fresh air, good book work best I find Sunset comes and fades the light moon comes out so big and bright The book is done the air is clear In my yard there’s naught to fear Big brown dog is by my side My soul to him I can confide All of this improves my mood Much more than does comfort food   Have you ever been mellow?   I have.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Flower couplets

    star of jerusalem in bloom

    Stars of Jerusalem, so small and white Looks like the stars in heaven at night. Daffodils are early to bloom Chasing away wintertime gloom Common violets close to the ground Say there’s no need to wear a frown Peonies bloom late in May Well into summer they will stay. In June you find the delicate iris Something will come that you desire Hibiscus bushes in the bower Entertain with their giant flowers Surprise lilies spring up so fast And stay around from times gone past Roses that bloomed back in spring You will find in bloom yet again So plant your flowers where you can Then enjoy the colors of the land

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    five books, five points of view

    Ducks in the reeds hiding their nests Have no fear of dragons nearby They know that they cannot change fate No matter how hard they might try So they try to entice their guests To hear the ducklings cry “feed us The Teachings of Epictetus” The gosling in the nest with them Does not fare near so well as they Smart as a whip, sharp as a knife He has his own outlook on life We make our own fate he likes to say He is The Ugly Little Boy The man on the shore knows naught of this Do as you want, not what your told Till the time when your soul is cold. In the bayou it’s hard to miss The warm fire at Uncle Tom’s Cabin The tiger burning in the night Knows quite well his dreadful looks And believes that might makes right And does not trust The Jungle Books If you’ve still faith in this old rock Keep an eye on the clock Lest you get Future shock   The napowrimo challenge for today is the use the first five songs on your playlist, or that you hear on the  radio, in the lines of…

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    bold thing and old

    Do I do as I’m told? Or should I do my own thing? Should I break from the mold? Prove that I’m bold My own song to sing My soul shall never be sold No matter how often they scold I will mend my broken wing I’ve myself to uphold Give me your hand to hold I’ll make you feel like a king You and I will never grow old We’ll build our own stronghold Enclosed within a fiery ring Never to fear the nasty kobold Safe together in our freehold We can listen to bells ding Without worry for whom they tolled Nice and secure in this household To each other we can cling When the nights are damp and cold From you I’ll never withhold Not even the slightest pretending All will be as I’ve foretold

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Ode to my car

    You take me where I want to go. You get me there and back again. How I feel for you, no one can know. T’your engine’s purr I like to listen. You served me well when times were lean. When funds were tight you were my home. We traveled far for the sights we’ve seen And all the places we used to roam. The times we had when things went well The shopping trips ‘cross the border Just to see what foreigners sell Our run-ins with law and order Just you and me camping at the lake A blanket and you for my tent Up on your hood to evade a snake Then I’d air you out from a skunks scent   This is my response to two different challenges.  One was to write a love poem about an inanimate object, and the other to write about something that makes me smile.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    Summer Memories

    Peering through the windows of my mind Remembering summers long ago Down by the creek seeing what’s to find There a lizard, here a rock like an oh Off on our bikes to the baseball field You bring the bat, I have the ball A stick for a sword, a warrior’s shield We play all day till we hear mothers call Racing back home our dinner to eat Back out to play as quick as we can Rest in the shade of a tree from the heat Fetch with the dog how swiftly he ran I miss those days, the freedom we had Now I work the whole summer long I once was the kid but now I’m the dad Now summer days to my children belong

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry

    The Final Act

    When we go to the court, when we go before the King’s eye, even more than most, we must stay humble; take the bearing of a servant. Then, you and I, as best we can, will do what will scarcely be believed.  We’ll not spare a single tear, not a dry eye left within a minute. They cannot but grant our request.  Then I’ll plead for us to be together with each other.  Then you, my dear, by all your charm and grace, will softly bid good bye to the king, or, tarry here midst the court, else some might think you crushed by the torments of the devil’s deeds.  When we’ve seen what will be, to our chambers we’ll go and in those rooms there’ll be an end to it. The above is a poem of the form of a “golden shovel”.  It need not rhyme nor have any meter.  The only rule is that the last word of each line be another poem in order as it was written.  The above poem uses Robert Burns’  “Answer to an Invitation”.

  • Author: Wendy Vinson,  NaPoWriMo,  Poetry


    Envy He has it I like how it looks I want it It’s so cute Give it to me now I want it I need some It should be all mine I want it I’ll get it I’ll take it by force I have it It’s mine now You can’t have it back I have it I don’t understand What does it do, but I have it Don’t touch it It’s not yours any more I have it It’s broke now You can have it back It’s all yours