• My Poetry

    My Poetry: Routine Surgery

    Routine Surgery She was scared as it was time to leave The doctor and nurses were ready It’s not as bad as it used to be He’s the head of cardiology   She was scared as they go to leave The family was busy praying They wave “See you soon!” with worried smiles As she goes away to surgery   She was scared as she started to go under The surgeon gets to work The hours go by very, very slowly And somethings not quite right   They were scared waiting in that tiny room The doctor explained with consolation Time is stopped, and all stands still And they know she’s gone away.

  • My Poetry,  Social Commentary

    My Poetry: An Old Woman’s Smile

    An Old Woman’s Smile Dreaming dreams of yesterday as sunlight warms her face. Her eyes are closed as she sits still with a cover to embrace. The door is opened suddenly, and a familiar voice cries out, “Hello Grandma! How have you been? What a room! Are they taking good care of you? Do you get enough to eat?” She smiles and tells him she is so happy to see him. He brought a potted plant and puts it on her windowsill, And looking round he plops himself down upon the edge of her bed. “This seems like such a nice place, the staff they are so friendly, They say you’ll have a lot to do with bingo and with cards, And if your feeling up to it they can take you round the yard.” She smiles again and takes it in, and enjoys the moment spent. She asks him how he’s doing, his wife and little ones, “Oh, my job keeps me busy, the wife has hers as well, And the little ones, are all grown up and making plans for college.” She smiles again and thinks about how fast the time did go. He looks around the one…

  • My Poetry,  My Ramblings

    My Poetry: I Have a Book I Carry

    I Have a Book I Carry I have a book I carry, much older than myself. I always take it with me, wherever I may go. I’d never dream to leave it, just sitting on a shelf. It is just a little thing, of poetry and prose. Whenever I go out to eat, I always pull it out, And read aloud a page or two, alone or with a guest. They never seem to disagree, or throw a temper fit. But rather marvel at the thought, at what I might present. There is so much to tell you, about my little book, The lessons that it taught me, are many and sublime. I wish to share these treasures, with everyone I meet, So they may appreciate, the wisdom held inside. I have memories of reading, to loved ones who are gone, The lines that made them laugh and smile, and sometimes shed a tear, Will stay with me through all my life, as treasures held most dear, I would not trade this little book, for anything I fear. And this book is filled with more, of that which I adore, Little pieces of the truth, to help me understand; I…