My Poetry,  Social Commentary

My Poetry: An Old Woman’s Smile

An Old Woman’s Smile

Dreaming dreams of yesterday as sunlight warms her face.
Her eyes are closed as she sits still with a cover to embrace.
The door is opened suddenly, and a familiar voice cries out,
“Hello Grandma! How have you been? What a room!
Are they taking good care of you? Do you get enough to eat?”
She smiles and tells him she is so happy to see him.
He brought a potted plant and puts it on her windowsill,
And looking round he plops himself down upon the edge of her bed.
“This seems like such a nice place, the staff they are so friendly,
They say you’ll have a lot to do with bingo and with cards,
And if your feeling up to it they can take you round the yard.”
She smiles again and takes it in, and enjoys the moment spent.
She asks him how he’s doing, his wife and little ones,
“Oh, my job keeps me busy, the wife has hers as well,
And the little ones, are all grown up and making plans for college.”
She smiles again and thinks about how fast the time did go.
He looks around the one room home and sees his potted plant.
He gets back up and goes to it and says with some concern,
“Grandma, please remember this plant will need attention.
For this plant is a living thing and will die if left alone.”
She smiles again and thanks him as he bends in for a kiss,
“I don’t really have the time, I really must go, but thought I must stop in,
Family sends their love, oh, happy birthday, and see you soon!”
He is out of the room and gone down the hall, before she starts to cry.
She closes her eyes and silently pulls the cover to her face.

Independent Scholar and essayist see more in our About Us section.

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