Author: Matthew M. Fay,  My Ramblings

Self-Reflection on a Previous Post

I am trying to understand why my post yesterday titled “Rerum Novarum” did not match the potential that I anticipated.  I had high hopes for yesterdays blog.  It was to be my first blog after of course my opening prayer.  So, what happened?  Why, when reading it back, do I feel so disappointed?  When I read the encyclical for class, I used a printed copy.  I made underlines and notations throughout the document.  I ended up with several pages of notes and felt prepared to discuss it in class on Saturday morning.  We spent part of the class discussing this document.  Now, I was really fired up about this encyclical and I expected others to be too.  They were, but for different reasons.  I almost wondered if we had read the same work.  How could someone see something different?  Well, as we know, that happens all the time.  We all have different life experiences and we come from different perspectives, or viewpoints, when we approach something.

When I decided to write the blog, I sat down with my notes and started to write.  It is so easy to suffer from indecision.  Everything sounded so good in my head until I actually start to put it down and then it all becomes quite murky.  I thought of the different opinions in class and I started to doubt myself.  Then, as soon as I would get a coherent thought, I would get a text message and then later a phone call.  I would get distracted and try to refocus.  Then it was checking the news or something or other.  Perhaps I should read a few pages of the book I am currently reading.  Get a drink, something to eat… oh where was I?  Next thing I know, I am just totally frustrated and say to myself, “Well I will just post what I got so far and be done with it.”  And that is how I ended up with something that was not what I intended in the first place.

Part of me is happy I at least got a post out.  Perhaps no one will read it.  That is not the point.  This is an exercise to help me get better at expressing my thoughts and musings.

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