Author: Wendy Vinson,  Social Commentary

The New Aristocracy part 1

I think I understood what the conversation was about, but let me put it into words to be certain.  Let me know if I made any mistakes in the line of thought. What I understand of your view of the ‘new aristocracy’ is:

We are headed back into an age where the aristocrats/nobles rule the land.  They own the majority of the land and the burgers/bourgeois own only a small portion of the land.  The nobles will then be responsible for the care of the lower class, the serfs and indigent.  And the land upon which the serf lives will determine whether he is treated well or not.  Other aristocrats will be able to lure serfs of a certain type over to his land if he wishes.  And this time the land to which you refer need not necessarily be actual land, but an ID card or credit chit.  (Aren’t we already there?)

We have gone through a metamorphosis over the last few hundred years, which is leading us right back to where we were in the age of kingdoms.  People seem to want someone to tell them what to do and think.

We upset the apple cart and upon turning it right side up all we did was get rid of a few of the bad apples that would have otherwise soured the entire cart full of apples.  Previously when we had nobles in charge of the land, they (the nobles) were becoming complacent, and not learning how to lead and manage people, as they should.  By removing them from power for a few generations, we allowed other people, fresh blood, to rise to the top of the heap and rule with a fresh perspective.

But, we have ended up heading straight back into the same predicament that we were in before.  The money and power are still being passed down from one generation to the next; the only difference is a little fresh blood, a new aristocracy.

The new aristocrats are the CEOs of the major companies.  If they wish they may split up the various portions of the world into different areas, some ruled by just one company, while others are ruled by a council of people from a conglomeration of companies.  Even if it’s not obvious that corporations rule, if you follow the money trail back to who pays for the political ads, the TV shows forming public opinion, or even the movies in the theaters (with a few exceptions) you will find that the majority of it is paid for by only a few corporations through the use of shell companies.

But anything fresh will soon become stale if not looked after properly.  Within a few generations we will be back in the same leaky boat we were trying to bail out before.  People will become tired of being told what to think and start thinking for themselves again.

It’s a cycle that will not end as long as our race lives.

Thank you for reading about the ‘new aristocracy’. If you have any comments to share, please leave a note.

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